Understanding the ramifications that COVID-19 has on our population is just the beginning. We at SocialShredder can help you rebound when you’re ready to take the next steps forward.

SocialShredder is a cloud-based application providing services to users of social media allowing them to manage the unwanted distribution of their social media history, through monitoring and deletion. Students applying to colleges and careers, families in grief, due to the loss of a loved one, victims of domestic abuse, as well as our military, securing the information of our deploying soldiers are also a target of this electronic footprint consolidation effort.

SocialShredder.com helps students pave their next steps after graduating. SocialShredder is an app (phone, desktop) that can help you in your dealings with the various HR or admissions departments that you may meet while interviewing for a job or applying to your next school. SocialShredder erases (and restores) social media histories, allowing you to take the next step forward without worrying about past indiscretions.

Use of social media leaves a traceable footprint that, left unchecked, could compromise our national security. Our website, www.socialshredder.com will provide the U.S. Military with the means to protect our soldiers, their family, friends and loved ones on social media, from being compromised by our enemies.

Understanding how the victims of domestic abuse and violence can be tracked via social media compels us to offer our services to organizations that offer a helping hand.  SocialShredder can provide the services to delete, store and restore the information visible on various social media sites, allowing for a smooth transition to anonymity for these victims. 

SocialShredder will initially provide services to families in grief that will ensure that the electronic footprint of the deceased is documented, erased, and no longer a social media concern for their families or significant others.





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for your needs !