
One great solution for all social media

With Social Shredder you can easily control what posts, pictures or comments are visible by deleting, hiding or restoring them based on keywords, dates or even location.

Multi Platform

Presently, SocialShredder works with Facebook. We are looking to add more social media platforms and we want your input on what to do next. Tell us what you’d like to see.


SocialShredder works on the Chrome and Firefox browsers. We will be adding additional browsers, such as Safari… in the near future.

Your Time is Valuable

We will work with you to either perform your tasks online or, if you wish, run in the background and notify you when we’re done.

Healthy Profile

We’ll give you a way to maintain and monitor your public profile  in a timely basis.

We would love to hear from you!

The solution we provide
 is not limited to the current functionality – we are always working on new features and open to suggestions.